🕛 reading time: 3 min read | 🔖 words: 493
Linear Doge(线性减淡):用于查看每个通道中的颜色信息,并通过增加亮度使基色变亮以反映混合色。与黑色混合不发生任何变化:
やさしく降り積もる 季節の隣で
Stars are falling, beaming down. On the ground, is where I’m found. On a summer’s night, some stars may fall, But I’m here to catch them all.
in the old castle. There was no particular reason to draw a line between the two structures.
She used the mansion as a residential area. and aimost nerveset her foot .
The island was small, and one could go around it in half a day by foot.
All she could see at the beach was the ocean, the sky, clouds and the horizon stretching
as far as she could see in a 360-degree view.
She painted a human being it was good. But the girl did not feel like painting a human being in a bigger size.
Because she was unable to judge whether it was well drawn or not.
So she decided to add a figure of a boy into the paintings of landscape she had painted.
There was a mansion on the island, which was connected to an old castle by a passageway.
She did not know why for what purpose those structures
which completely seemed to be unfit in the environment were built there.
中间文字:She found herself on an island when she began to understand things around her. There was a mansion on the island, which was connected to an old castle by a passageway.
圆圈文字:花吹雪が散る 青 空
左侧进入:雲の彼方に ——
The girl never wondered why she had been there before she realize.
There were a huge amount of preserved foods
and daily necessaries inside the warehouse of the castle.
On the other side of the paintings, the two had smiles on their faces. Still, the girl felt strange to see herself in the paintings.
She knew that from the very beginning. He did not move. She did not think. He was simple there, lonely?Finally,she could ask herself by finding the word. She was not lonely. The girl started practise drawing her own portrait from the day after the wedding.